Dell 8 Inch Tablet

key features

  1. Perfect size for a portable personal device
  2. Great sound
  3. Modified to use as a dedicated speech device
Dell Venue Pro 8 Inch Tablet

Dell Venue Pro 8 Inch Tablet

This wonderful little tablet is discontinued, so we have to get them off of Ebay or Amazon in order to create your Talker for you. As such, the exact specs in terms of RAM, HD, Chipset, etc. are listed in the sales listing for each particular unit rather than here. The reasons we chose this tablet for the Talker:

  • perfect portable size
  • 5 to 12 hour of battery life, depending on usage
  • highly reviewed, powerful tablet
  • audio is better and louder than you'd expect
  • comparatively little screen glare
  • durable protective covers (screen and body) are available for this device, whereas some other Windows tablets have no truly childproof cases

We've modified your Windows 10 tablet in order to make it easier to use it as a dedicated speech device. Unforunately, Windows 10 doesn't have a toggleable mode like Guided Access on the iPad. They do have a "Kiosk" mode, but it isn't really meant to be turned off and on. So for our child, accomplishing this meant trying to keep her on the AAC software app as much as possible, without using the Kiosk mode feature, which would make the tablet unecessarily difficult to modify. We found that by disabling the side swiping feature, and removing all icons from the start page other than the AAC software, the device functions as a dedicated speech device.

Each tablet comes with a set of instructions that details the slight modifications we've made to the user settings. We think it's important the child use the tablet for speech and only speech, but you are welcome to install anything you want, and modify your tablet however you'd like. We've also disabled some unecessary Windows services that hog battery life, and you'll find those listed in your documentation as well.

For a nice overview/review of the Dell Venue Pro 8 click here.